
Elevate satellite Services with  ICT excellence

Deliver broadband, voice, data, media, IoT, and EO services across any satellite and telco network commercial space, government, and defence.

use cases contact us

BaM Awards 2024 - Winner

We awarded MediaOps because it's a groundbreaking integration of media and ICT, offering a comprehensive inventory management system that spans technology, operational resources, and more. Its ability to plan, schedule, and then automate and orchestrate workflows represents a leap forward in efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Stan Moote


Propel yourself 
into a data-driven and automated future

dataminer.SatOps revolutionizes satellite operations by turning them into data-driven, automated processes that improve service quality and availability, lower costs, and simplify management. This platform is tailored to the needs of today's modern telecom and ICT operations, backed by extensive expertise in satellite systems.

dataminer SatOps

Your complete solution for multi-service, multi-orbit, and multi-gateway satellite operations

The key to building Agile satellite networks lies in convergence—seamlessly integrating satellite operations with ICT, cloud, and telecom networks. dataminer.SatOps enables this integration, supporting end-to-end workflows for planning, resource management, service management, operations and assurance, troubleshooting, and more. This solution is compatible with any technology (multi-vendor), providing unparalleled flexibility in the choice of vendors and technologies.

Multi-Service operation

Multi-service operation

dataminer.SatOps is designed to facilitate the delivery of diverse services across the satellite network. Whether transmitting over SCPC carriers, VSAT, or telemetry, the platform effectively manages broadband, high-speed data, voice, media, IoT, and other services, creating a truly multi-service environment for fixed and mobile.



dataminer.SatOps imposes no limitations on the gateways and terminals it manages. From advanced teleports, ground stations, EO ground stations, broadcast facilities, O&G rigs, and remote systems for maritime, aeronautical, or land mobility, to 5G nodes, Wi-Fi hotspots, ISR facilities, IoT sensors, and gateway terminals, dataminer.SatOps seamlessly integrates with them all.



Different services utilize various constellations and frequency bands to optimize cost and service quality. dataminer.SatOps manages GEO and NGSO ground infrastructure, regardless of the frequency band in use.

Deliver your satellite services 
better, faster, and cheaper

By uniting satellite expertise with modern ICT infrastructure, dataminer.SatOps enables you to deliver better, faster, and cheaper services across the globe.

Better operations through data and processes

dataminer.SatOps streamlines satellite operations by unifying data and processes in a single powerful ICT platform. Operators safely rely on data to run operations and make decisions, improving accuracy and better service delivery. Integration with existing business systems like CRM, billing, and field service management ensures a seamless operational environment, driving better overall outcomes.

Faster operations with Automation

Speed is critical in satellite operations, where delays can lead to service disruptions and significant financial losses. dataminer.SatOps automates routine tasks as well as the most complicated service ordering, orchestration, and assurance workflows, speeding up satellite operations and reducing human error.

Cost-efficient resource utilization and operation

dataminer.SatOps offers cost savings in many ways: providing a higher planning ratio for transponders, automating processes, enabling your teams to develop their own automation, dashboards, and low-code apps, and deploying API endpoints to other systems on the fly, among other benefits.

15+ years satellite expertise

Data-driven decisions

Modern ICT compliance


Real-time operations

Instant resource allocation

Automated orchestration


Optimized resources

Automation efficiency

Continuous cost tracking


Empower your 
satellite operations with DataMiner

dataminer.SatOps brings a new era of intelligence, security, and efficiency to satellite operations. Built on the powerful DataMiner platform, it harmonizes satellite-specific workflows with ICT technologies, driving full automation from planning and resource allocation to live operations and post-event analysis.

satellite operations
  1. Resource & service inventory

    Effortlessly manage your resource inventory, including satellite capacity, transponder slots, ground station resources, terminals, network capacity, staffing, trucks, VSAT circuits, media services, and more. dataminer.SatOps offers complete visibility into inventory and usage, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

  2. Order

    Automate service orders from receipt to planning operations. Benefit from low-code apps that allow non-technical staff to easily input orders, and enable your customers to create service orders via your corporate portal, via API or email. dataminer.SatOps offers a comprehensive set of features to ensure service ordering is simple and reliable.

  3. Plan

    Plan all aspects of your operations smoothly and effortlessly. This includes service implementation tasks, spectrum and resource reservations, infrastructure planning and building, maintenance jobs, and more. Your teams can collaborate seamlessly, with all impacted resources managed centrally in a DataMiner SRM reservation repository, avoiding conflicts.

  4. Automate

    Automate operational tasks such as geo and chain redundancy switching, sun outage gateway switching, loading configurations, carrier activation and deactivation, and more. dataminer.SatOps can remotely automate any sequence of actions and execute them based on operator requests, incidents, or events.

  5. Orchestrate

    Orchestration integrates automation with resource reservation to ensure predictable operations. Additionally, dataminer.SatOps enhances workflows with real-time intelligence, including alarms and anomalies, through its observability features.

  6. Monitor

    dataminer.SatOps stands out for its capability to gather data from every element and function in the network, including on-premises RF, modulation, ICT, and cloud functions. The platform’s digital twin provides a comprehensive view of operations with rich historical, real-time, and predictive data, offering a complete 360° perspective.

  7. Assure

    Service assurance is crucial for operations. In dataminer.SatOps, creating trouble tickets—whether manually or automatically—is straightforward. Automated alarm grouping into incidents significantly reduces the number of tickets. Additionally, automated actions, such as resolution workflows, can be triggered upon ticket creation. dataminer.SatOps also integrates with your preferred ticketing system.

  8. Cost & Billing

    dataminer.SatOps supports tracking costs and generating billing records. You can create customer contracts, bill based on resource usage or service orders, and more. Additionally, dataminer.SatOps can automatically transfer billing records to your preferred billing system.










Streamline your booking process with dataminer.MediaOps

Say goodbye to cumbersome processes and hello to effortless bookings with embedded intelligence, automated order ingestion, and seamless coordination across all teams.


  • Streamline booking for various events.
  • Intuitive resource scheduling of people, rooms and facilities, and technical resources.
  • Flexible booking for individual or pooled resources.
  • Conveniently book resources for those needed in workflows.
  • Filter and book resources based on resource capabilities and capacities.
  • Avoid booking clashes using DataMiner SRM technology.
  • Customize schedules for different resources.


  • Guided customer order entry process.
  • Online order entry for customers via app or corporate portal.
  • Automated order ingestion from multiple sources.
  • Efficiently track job and resource schedules.
  • Add configuration details to bookings for automated workflow orchestration.


  • Collaborate online with customers and staff.
  • Ops view for MCR operators.
  • Identify bookings needing manual attention instantly.
  • Access flexible costing and billing history and records.
  • Coordinate seamlessly across teams.
  • Share booking data easily over DataMiner Cloud Platform.
  • Dynamically deploy API’s for 3rd party systems to manage bookings.
Satelite networks

With DataMiner, we’ve found a state-of-the-art solution to collect, visualize, and analyze our satellite network data. In addition, it shows impressive potential, especially with the embedded AI, which will surely benefit our customers.


Head of Satellite Factory at Orange

Built for the future,
available today

DataMiner.SatOps offers a range of operational functions through use cases that can be created and deployed on your DataMiner platform. Some applications are available out of the box, while others are tailored by/for specific customers using the flexible DataMiner DevOps toolbox. The functions below are not an exhaustive list but rather a selection of use cases that have been successfully deployed by your industry peers.

Facility Inventory
Satnet Inventory
Resource Studio
Satellite Inventory
Asset Inventory
Service Inventory
HUB Inventory
Feeds & Signal Inventory
Network Topology Disc.
Terminal Inventory
People & Org
Service Order
Mission Planning
Service Ordering Portal
LLM Assisted Service Order
Service Catalog
OCR Assisted Service Order
Service WF Designer
Job Scheduling
Earth Observation Sched.
Plan & Build Jobs
Planned Maintenance
Vehicle MGT
Control Surface
Automate Processes
Repeat Actions
Sun Outage Automation
Siem Workflow Integr.
Up & Downlink Orchestr.
User Tasks
MCR Cockpit
Teleport RF
Payload Monitor
Spectrum & Carrier Surv.
Flow Monitor
VSAT Experience & Perform.
Alarm Grouping
Facility & Environmental
Broadband QoE-QoS
Trouble Ticket
Resolve Workflows
Starlink QoE-QoS
Ticket SLA
Service SLA
Problem MGT
Costing & billing

The Common Data Model, your business's backbone for streamlined operations

The Common Data Model (CDM) serves as the central repository for managing and organizing your business and operational metadata in the DataMiner digital twin. It provides a unified structure for capturing various aspects of your organization, including resources, personnel, transponder slot details, jobs, workflows, rate cards, media signals, assets, and more. Designed with flexibility and scalability in mind, the CDM ensures that your data management efforts remain streamlined and future-proof.

MediaOps data model
  • Captures business and operational metadata in the DataMiner digital twin.
  • Describes all data related to resources, pools, people, transponders, jobs, workflows, contracts, rate cards, etc.
  • Will be extended to also include data related to service lineups, trouble tickets, change management tickets, assets, etc.
  • Based on DataMiner Object Model (DOM) technology.
  • Describes relations between data models.
  • Data sets (instances) are backwards compatible.
  • Extendable by linking customizable sample data models.
  • DevOps engineers can create their own additional objects.
  • Cornerstone knowledge for DevOps engineers.
  • Documented on

Unparalleled flexibility for a unified satellite ecosystem

dataminer.SatOps integrates seamlessly with all critical satellite and ICT systems, providing a unified platform to manage satellite communication and media delivery.

With dataminer.SatOps, satellite operators can adapt to any operational requirement or technology standard, including traditional DVB-S2/S2X, IP over satellite, and advanced media transmission standards.

dataminer.SatOps integrates with:

Antennas and ACUs

RF, VSAT hub & remotes

Satellite gateways & media processors

IP compression & accelleration

SCPC modems

Test & Measurement (spectrum analysers)

ICT systems (servers, networks, storage, etc.)

Cloud platforms and virtualized environments (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)

IoT gateways

Customer billing, service order management, ERP, CMDB, Asset dB, etc.

Satellite transponder management systems

And more

Logos SatOps

Manage your Starlink terminals in just a few clicks!

Try it now!

One solution, 
infinite use cases

Draw inspiration from a wide array of dataminer.SatOps use cases—and start envisioning your own!

Satellite Downlink Redundancy

Use Case

Satellite Downlink Redundancy

read more

Teleport Management

Use Case

Teleport Management

read more

VSAT Applications

Use Case

VSAT Applications

read more

To access the use cases, you need a DataMiner DOJO account. Creating this account is quick and easy, and it will allow you to access not only these use cases, but also countless articles, videos, and more.

Satellite Operations Teams

dataminer.SatOps transforms operations by creating a better, faster, and more cost-effective environment that is enjoyable to work in!

Beyond technology

Unleash the power of an Agile digital world


Agile culture and mindset

Goal-oriented, transparent, and continuously evolving, our ecosystem thrives on an Agile culture, ensuring iterative value delivery.



DataMiner offers a wealth of easy-to-use functions for data acquisition and control, data processing, automation, and analytics (AI), as well as out-of-the-box media apps.



Join a vibrant community of learners and creators. It's not just about resources; it's about empowerment, innovation, and collaborative growth.