Flow monitoring icon
Flow engineering icon
Workflow designer icon
Facility asset manager icon
Satellite and data capacity planning icon
People and organization icon
Production event manager icon

Facility and Desk Management

  • Intuitive entry of event data tailored to the data provided by the end-customer
  • Manual event data entry, or ingestion of event data from formatted emails, ERP systems, customer on-line portals, etc.
  • (Semi-)automated creation of schedule jobs for each event

go back to MediaOps

DataMiner MediaOps - Facility and Desk Management
DataMiner MediaOps - Facility and Desk Management
DataMiner MediaOps - Facility and Desk Management

This is a sample application provided as an illustrative example for DevOps teams and tailored for extensive customization in media operations. However, they're just examples and not suitable for direct production deployment.