Edith is a member of our Technical Writing team, a vital team for any organization as technically intricate as ours. Edith and her team work closely with developers to translate their technical insights into user-friendly content for the DataMiner documentation. But they also review customer-facing texts, including use cases, blog posts, and connector help, ensuring both correct grammar and quality content.
"One of our goals is to enable all team members to share their expertise, no matter how good a writer they are."
Time to meet Edith, [Technical Writer]
Have you always had such a deep passion for language?
I’ve had a passion for language ever since reading Harry Potter in primary school. When I got older, I discovered a fondness for creative writing, partaking in projects like NaNoWriMo, where you get together with other students to complete a book in November. “Writing for a living” was never something I seriously considered until I learned of the position of Technical Writer. Technical writing is very different from creative writing, but it’s something I can really sink my teeth into, and the results are equally fulfilling.
Do you often find yourself correcting people's grammar errors?
I’m usually very good at not pointing out every single mistake I see. All the there/their and your/you’re mistakes of the world couldn’t turn me into a grammar Nazi. However, when I’m reading a book, I do have to admit the jarring absence of Oxford commas bothers me. Wake up, everyone, life’s better with the Oxford comma. 😉
If your job had a theme song, what would it be, and why?
If my job had a theme song, it would undoubtedly be "The Best of Both Worlds" by Hannah Montana.
I’m able to be creative with language on a daily basis, publishing blog posts and writing new sections of the DataMiner documentation. But I also get to test out new software features, making sure all our procedures are waterproof, well-structured, and located in a logical place.
The combination of creativity and logic truly is the best of both worlds.
What's your favorite way to unwind and relax after a long day?
I love crocheting. It may not sound very thrilling, but putting on a good TV show while working away on a new sweater or scarf is very cozy. However, on Wednesdays, I switch things up by attending a step aerobics class, which is quite the workout, perfect for a mid-week break.
If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
Leonardo Da Vinci: his version of enjoying the best of both worlds is being a literal homo universalis. He was a painter, a scientist, an inventor, and a writer all in one. A conversation with him just couldn’t be boring.