Studying is valuable. Applying what you’ve learned to real-life situations even more so. That’s why we welcome students with open arms. We’re not going to lie, students are very valuable to us as well. They’re more than just learners, they’re full contributors. And we respect them as such. While they get to work with and learn from world leading experts, we get the opportunity learn from their fresh knowledge, insights and enthusiasm. Talk about win-win!
Your internship or thesis [at Skyline]
Skyline has a rich tradition of guiding college students during their internship or while they are working on their bachelor and master thesis. Fun fact: many of our employees have started their careers as interns in our company.
The topics we provide for students are directly in line with the goals of our company. This means that the work that you accomplish at Skyline will lead to solutions that we will actually use and deploy.
When it comes to choosing the topic of your internship or thesis, you can choose to go with a topic we provide or consult with us to determine a topic of your own. Here are some examples of the kind of topics you can choose from.
Internship topic examples
- Create a reverse-engineering tool
- Implementation and delivery of system intelligence solutions
- C# code sharing via WebAssembly in Angular Web Applications
- UX/UI improvements of a central in-house web application
Master thesis topic examples
Development work on the task protocol
You will be working on a protocol which is something that gathers data and uses that within the DataMiner environment. The main languages used here are C# and XML.
Working on improvements for azure DevOps plugins
Here in Skyline we use two different tools to keep track of our backlog. One is Azure DevOps by Microsoft and the other is our own tool called Collaboration. The plugin you'll be working on is to sync both together.
Setting up a customizable Kanban board in low code apps
We have a protocol that has plenty of data in our DataMiner software. To display this data we use dashboards and low code apps. Within those apps, we want to create an interactable app that allows the user to do all their administration via IT. The main language used is C# (automation scripts).
Creating low code apps to maximize teams' self-inspection based on data
Various low code apps for the analysis and visualization of work data. (e.g. defect ratios, code quality, churn, completion time, technical debt)
Automating Gerrit flow
Making a number of changes to our customized Gerrit implementation that controls our core software code commits, peer reviews and QA process.
Using CODEX AI to automatically generate SPI Queries
As a DevOps Engineer, I want to try out CODEX AI so that we can figure out if we can use it to automatically create SPI SQL queries based on your request.
Cumulative flow diagrams
Cumulative flow diagrams so we can inspect our historical flow data.
Session replay Feature
For the web apps, we're looking for a 'Session replay feature'. Using session replays, the development team would be able to replay the situation of the customer, locally on his own setup. Having this would drastically reduce the amount of effort that we put into reproducing customer setups.
API and Webservice for Skyline Device Simulator
We would like to have two improvement to the current simulator: 1. the QA device simulator should deploy an API so we can run one instance on a server and 2. a central webservice on a seperate server for long running simulations.
Security Topics
- Fuzzing tool for SLNet
- Fuzzing device simulators
- Verify which DataMiner services can be run with restricted privileges
- Integrate SonarCube scans in a Jenkins Pipeline