Nextech launches DataMiner in Bangladesh
During a launch ceremony on Saturday, May 21st, Nextech introduced the DataMiner NMS platform for the market of Bangladesh, in a strategic business partnership with Skyline Communications. Skyline Communications has taken a great interest in the South Asian region, and is represented there by Regional Account Manager Mr. Pramod Gupta.
Mr. Gupta and Skyline’s Sales Manager Bart Reynaert, as well as Nextech's Managing Director HM Faruk Ahmed were present at the event, along with other officials of Nextech. The launch of the DataMiner solution, which enables end-to-end integration of the most complex technological ecosystems and has already been deployed by leading operators around the world, is a milestone for the local HFC broadband industry. Nextech will train its people in the use of DataMiner, so that it can deliver DataMiner deployment services for the local market, including the development of DataMiner drivers.
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